
Sourcing International

since 2017

Supply Chain  Logistics   Solutions

Over 7 Years Of Manufacturing And Shipping
Excellence With Quality At Its Best!

Finding a reliable purchasing and shipping company for your business from China is hard.
You’ve tried going through local shippers, but it’s too expensive and takes too long. We handle everything for you…

we try to communicate to our clients to give a clear understanding of how we work as a company.
Clients can see some of the members of the company and also products being inspected and shipped in real-time.


Shorter time-to-marketplace, advanced product, and provider exceptional, and decrease running fees are game-chagers for pretty much all and sundry that sells on the internet.


The choice between air and ocean normally depends on your shipment’s size, weight, and contents – and how fast you need your goods.  We take care of it all.

Private Label

There are many e-commerce business models that allow you to sell merchandise without ever even touching the products themselves.


 ODM is by far the more common path. Most of us don’t have R&D departments working around the clock for us.

The only place where you’ll get the perfect solution for all your industry needs.

Why choose us :

We are in China

Based in Shanghai with a Branch in Hongkong, we are a licensed company with over 2000 suppliers.

Quality Control

We help you to inspect goods, and guide you with ensuring standards before shipping goods.

Warehouse Consolidation

All your packages, goods, and products are gathered in one place, before shipping to you.

Multiple Warehouses

China is LARGE. We have several warehouses around the country to minimize transport costs and volume.

Client support

Our team is comprised of amazing multi-national professionals to guide you towards success.

Years of Experience

We have over 7 years of collective sourcing and logistics experience in various industries.

Our work

A Glims of our daily work from social media

We post on our Facebook page on daily basis you can refer to the page to visit our recent activities our business and to get more real-life insights on how we run the operations of purchasing quality inspections and shipping along with that we offer a range of products that we get from suppliers special offers and deals that might interest you for your business.

Through social media, we try to communicate to our clients to give a clear understanding of how we work as a company. Clients can see some of the members of the company and also products being inspected and shipped in real-time.